Holistic Treatment
Our holistic health and wellness center approach seeks to deal with the patients. We focus on our patient’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs to create a unique and customized treatment program. Through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Reiki, Meditation and personal holistic treatment therapy sessions, we evoke the change that our patients want to see.
The holistic approach is tantamount to your recovery which is why we focus on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). We understand that every person has a unique struggle and different hopes of healing so with full attention, we listen to your story before we proffer a solution. Through meditation and guided spiritual activities, we help our patients achieve their wellness goals.
These holistic treatments are very much individualized, even down to family therapy and group therapy sessions. This helps you to develop healthier habits, better awareness of your body and mind, and better stress management. Our substance abuse and mental health treatment staff work hand in hand with our holistic care experts to bring you to the point of wholeness.

Life as we know it is not just physical, there are spiritual aspects to the things that you may be going through. We focus on your energy around you, then determine how it affects your spiritual and emotional healing process.
Reiki therapy is an ancient Japanese practice that has brought healing to many for centuries. Our Reiki is performed by a certified Level III Reiki Master in a comfortable environment; using gentle touch we are able to direct your energy and help you create balance.

Alone or using a guide, meditation is a highly effective form of holistic therapy that restores your inner peace and consciousness. The practice of meditation with a holistic expert can help patients live above their addictions and mental illness. Meditation has been proven effective for adolescents being treated for substance use and behavioral health concerns.
We believe that optimal health begins with wellness in every area; emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. This can only be achieved without the inhibition of stress factors. Our meditation services to intervention are aimed at bringing our patients this all encompassing wellness.

Chakra Balancing
Chakra balancing plays a significant role in enhancing your body’s energy flow. We show you how to keep your chakras unblocked so they can influence your mental and physical states. Reiki chakra balancing for your mental health focuses on your energy centers and how to keep them open to promote all round wellness.
We believe that you can heal and live a full life by learning and taking advantage of your chakras, from your feet to the crown of your head. You can gain freedom and wholeness from drug addictions and mental illnesses.